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With the solstices (winter down here in the southern hemisphere and summer up there where the majority of humans dwell), occurring the week before last, comes a New Year feeling in terms of the energetic influence they bring.

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Here in Australia we are welcoming the gradual lengthening of our daylight hours and the accompanying increases in energy, motivation and productivity, in place until our summer solstice in December. Hey, I need some of this because June turned out to be just as slow and unproductive for me as May was.

Although I know we need that time of turning inward, rest, reflection, processing and planning, I just don't enjoy it.

So with that early winter shedding of the old and outdated, over and done with, I'm feeling ready to move forward and create!

This is a wonderful time of the year to begin new projects, revive old ones that need joojshing and move ahead with your life in general.

I recently confessed to a friend that what I really want to do now is create a dance class for women in my local community. Wow! That was easier than I thought.

I've had the dream of dancing with other women in a style of my own creation to healing music, for a couple of years. Sharing it with my dear friend felt a little scary, but with her loving encouragement plus allowing myself to sit with it for a week, it feels completely natural to be writing about it here now.

It's reminded me of an exercise the amazing Sonia Choquette gets people to take themselves through when they are in need of remembering what they love the most in life and what they would like to do with their lives.

She says, "Ask yourself this question: If I weren't afraid I would.? and fill in the blank"

Sonia recommends doing this over and over again to see what comes up into your mind most strongly and most often.

For me, the answer most consistently and actually quite patiently as been "dance".

So, it feels as though the time is right for me to move forward with this dream and make it happen. I'm very nervous and unsure about how it will unfold, but I'm feeling ready to explore, trust and open up to whatever comes.

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At last, naturally I must mention the basic idea for this particular blog had been furnished through James over at discreetinvestigations.ca. They certainly are an outstanding private investigators. We really value a first-rate idea!

Inspirations For This Article

http://smilesunlimited.ca - Extremely nice layout.

Posted in Dentistry Post Date 01/03/2016




